「あなたの耳はあなたの魂を養う最良の方法です」演奏家インタビュー:ディーター・フルーリー氏(フルート奏者、ウィーン・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団 Dieter Flury, Flute, Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra)




[English is below Japanese]

ウィーン・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団のフルート奏者でもあるディーター・フルーリー氏(Dieter Flury)に、設問に答えて頂く形でインタビュー取材を行いました。



1. まず簡単にあなたの生い立ち、どこでどのように育ったのか、プロのフルート奏者としての活動を始めたきっかけは何だったのか、などについて教えて頂けますでしょうか?



2. これからフルートを始めたいと考えている人や、演奏を始めたばかりの人に向けて、フルートにどのような魅力を感じているかについて教えて頂けますか?



3. 練習や演奏をする際、特に注意していることや心がけていること、あるいはあなた独自のルールはありますか?



4. 演奏家として人生のターニングポイントとなったエピソードがあれば、それについて教えて下さい。



5. ご自身の演奏に強く影響を受けた他の演奏家がいれば、彼らからどのような影響を受けたのか教えて下さい。(クラシックでなくても構いません)

アンドレ・ジョネやペーター・ルーカス・グラーフのようなロールモデルの他に、アルフレート・プリンツ(クラリネット)やローラント・ベルガー(ホルン)のような様々な管楽器奏者がいて、もちろんウィーン・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団も音の宇宙でした。ウィーン国立歌劇場の偉大な歌手たちの多くも、この刺激的な音の宇宙の一部であり、一人を挙げるとすればミレッラ・フレーニでしょう。 また、レオニダス・カヴァコスのような弦楽器奏者からも多くのインスピレーションを受けています。


6. 将来の目標(またはこれから新たに取り組みたいこと)について教えてください。

私は今でも演奏を続け、聴衆と音楽を分かち合っていますが、自分自身の魂にとっての音楽の価値をますます発見しています。パンデミックのために孤立していたこの数年間、ヨハン・ゼバスティアン・バッハは私の音楽世界の中心でした。フルート1本でバッハを演奏する方法を探求する私の最新のレコーディングのタイトルである「Bach entlang」への道のりは、まだ続いています。


7. 最後に、アマチュア奏者の方や愛好家の方に向けて今一番伝えたいメッセージをお願いします。





取材・文:梅本周平(Wind Band Press)



Interview with Dieter Flury, Flute, Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra

1. Would you start by briefly telling me about your background, where and how you grew up, and how you got started as a professional Flute player?

I was born in Zuerich in a family of music lovers, but not professionals. A close friend of my family was Hans Meyer, at that time principal flutist of Tonhalle Zuerich. I had the privilege to learn with him during my school time more for than nine years. After finishing school I continued with his former teacher Andre Jaunet who became a sort of musical father of mine and opened to me the world of thinking about music and flute playing as a conscient approach to music.


2. Would you tell me what you find attractive about the Flute, for those who want to start playing Flute or those who have just started playing?

Among all the functions of our body breathing is probably most directly linked to our soul. Respiration and inspiration are close sisters. The flute opens to us a very immediate approach to musical sounds, like singing, but even independent on our vocal strings, just by blowing. On top the first steps on the flute are quick and easy, the flute is simple and archaic.


3. When practicing or performing, are there any rules that you pay special attention to, keep in mind, or that are unique to you?

Play with the flute, do not let the flute play with you. That means to follow your inner idea of sound (and also of intonation of course). Teach your flute to produce the music in a perfection you cannot achieve by singing (unless you are one of the great singers, in this case you will not need a flute).


4. Would you tell me about any episodes that were turning points in your life as a player?

Of course being accepted to join Vienna Philharmonic was the turning point of my musical life. I had the privilege to live in this inspiring orchestra in this inspiring place for more than forty years.


5. If there are other players who have strongly influenced your playing, would you tell me how they have influenced you? (It does not have to be classical music)

Beside role models like Andre Jaunet and Peter Lukas Graf there were wind players of different wind instruments like Alfred Prinz and Roland Berger and of course Vienna Philharmonic as a sound universe. Many of the great singers at Vienna State Opera are also part of this inspiring sound universe, if I had to name a single one it would be Mirella Freni. I also owe a lot of inspiration to string players like Leonidas Kavakos.


6. Would you tell me about your future goals (or new initiatives you would like to undertake in the future).

Although I still keep performing and sharing the music with my audience I more and more discover the worth of music for my own soul. During the recent years of isolation due to the pandemic Johann Sebastian Bach was the center of my musical world. I am still on my way “Bach entlang” which is the title of my last recording exploring how to play Bach on a single flute.


7. Finally, what is the most important message you would like to give to amateur players and fans?

Worship the privilege of hearing, your ears are your best way to nourish your soul.


Interview and text by Shuhei Umemoto (Wind Band Press)


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